Adding Google AdSense banners to your website is a piece of cake with Adning. We have built-in functions that take care of everything!

Google Ad

Google AdSense is a great way to start earning money with your website quickly.

A banner ad (or web banner), is an advertisement displayed on a web page. The advertisement consists of an image (.jpg, .png, .gif, .svg) or a multimedia object (usually Flash or HTML5). Banner ads can be static or animated.

Static banner ads are just simple images you can click on and get to the website or landing page of the advertiser.

Animated banner ads are a type of digital advertising created using modern HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript code.

The purpose is the same as for the static banner ads “Get noticed and make sure the user clicks on them”.

Did you know…?

The first ever banner ad was launched on October 27 in 1994 on Wired Magazine ( called at the time). It was a simple banner that said “Have you ever clicked your mouse right here? You will” and the banner sent the user to an AT&T campaign.

AMP Support! 

Did you know Adning has AMP support for your Google AdSense Ads?

When we detect your page is loaded using AMP we will convert the AdSense code to make sure it shows fine.

You don’t have to do anything.

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